My favorite room in Delaware Art Museum
So this past Sunday I found myself sleeping a lot more. It was actually kind of intentional. I woke up around 8 AM and then later went back to bed around 10 AM and slept until around 2 PM. It just really felt good to just waste the day away with the sun shining thru the windows all around the bed. I eventually got up and headed out to a relaxing time at the Delaware Art Museum. On Sundays admission is free.
I eventually got to my favorite room inside the museum. The lighting is low. They have a stain glass window display, some furnishings on display and some that you can actually sit on. I ended up plopping myself on one of one of the padded benches and just soaked up the calmness, the history, the aura. I looked down at my feet and realized I was sitting on possibly an antique rug.

antique rug
I took off my shoes and rested my feet on this rug. I then imagined that sometime in the future the curators decide that they should protect this rug and they later encase it in glass and hang it on the wall for display. Many years in the future this rug becomes quite rare and valuable. No one can ever touch this rug again. So I come back to the present with a sense of great privilege to be resting my feet directly on this rug.
This sense of being present and being privileged and greatful stirs up the Source. I start to feel some ecstasy. This is what it means to be present and to be greatful. Whoever is in your life. Look at your current surroundings. Many years in the future these people these surroundings will be gone and you will miss them. How much you will start to wish you could go back in time and experience what you are experiencing now and taking for granted. Soak up every precious moment of now, slow time down and savor ever second and make each second last. Wow how precious. Let me live life fully in the present moment.
This is the “Power of Now” that Eckerd Tolle refers to. This is a path towards touching the Source.
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